Ben Massey | 05/09/23
The first time I heard about NOISY was when Jordan Fish (Bring Me The Horizon) retweeted their song I Wish I Was A.., so I knew it would be something cool and experimental. Ever since that point three years ago, I have always been fascinated with this band, and have been able to catch them live a couple of times too. That’s why I was incredibly excited when we got an email through the inbox inviting us to review FAST FWD: to friday [VOL 1], NOISY’s highly anticipated new mixtape due for release this Friday.
Being completely produced, marketed and directed by themselves, NOISY show off their capability of being a completely self-sufficient and independent band. So much so that they invite a multitude of up-and-coming and well-established artists to feature on each of these songs. It pays off well as it authentically invites other artists' styles into the world of NOISY. I wouldn’t say that FAST FWD is a massive switch-up in style from their earlier music, but it certainly shows NOISY’s maturity as songwriters and musicians. Take DANCEFLOOR, for example, a song written for all rave maniacs alike. This song experiments with a sound NOISY is familiar with, whilst incorporating that 80’s trance vibe.
I can’t go without mentioning my favourite on the mixtape, BRITISH PR1CK. A fabulously experimental and danceable song with playfully mocking lyrics about, well… you guessed it,
ourselves, the British pricks. I don’t feel personally attacked, but I sure do love a day out at Wetherspoons as much as the next British prick.
THE MOTIVE is certainly a highlight on FAST FWD. This song has been on my summer listening list ever since it was released: it's so catchy and high-energy. I especially enjoy the collaboration on this track with Frozemode who brings something so refreshing and exciting to this song. The music video to THE MOTIVE also shows NOISY’s ingenuity, having been completely shot on their phones, yet you’d never be able to tell.
FAST FWD: to friday [VOL 1] is available on all your devices this Friday the 8th of September. Get on it and don’t miss out.
Edited by: Roxann Yus
Photography courtesy of NOISY's Facebook page (unknown photographers)